Hello! I’m Angel Viator Smith (she/her).
I help clients achieve their business goals through offering Welcoming Spaces training, business consulting and editing services.
Your organization will benefit from my experience of over two decades of working collaboratively to nurture diverse communities through consensus building.
As a Latina game and comic book store owner, I have spent over a decade championing the importance of the inclusion and representation of underrepresented populations. From nurturing my store’s own diverse gaming community to presenting workshops on best practices for inclusive communities at global conferences such as SXSW and GenCon, my passion is bringing people together to exchange ideas for a better, more equitable future.
My latest project in this area is Amplify Play, a resource focused on amplifying the work of underrepresented populations in the gaming industry and promoting the use of games to teach, inspire, & connect.

What’s Next?
February 10, 2024 I’ll be at the Texas Democratic Women’s Convention in Austin, Tx sharing an updated and specialized version of my interactive Nurturing Diverse Communities workshop.

Watch this space for exciting announcements about speaking engagements, workshops, and new projects!